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FINALLY, How To Win Thousands Of Dollars In Scholarships Without Stress, An Amazing Athletic Ability, Or A 4.0 GPA!

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Me in 2017, the year I gradauted with over $50,000 in scholarships!

Learn the secrets that allowed me to graduate from my dream college with over $50,000 in scholarships and grants and zero dollars in student debt - glory be to God!

if you already have thousands of dollars to pay for college, click off of this page.

But if you:

✔️Hear about the many scholarships that are out there, but feel overwhelmed by how to access them,

✔️See other students winning full-rides, but feel stuck on where to begin,

✔️Feel like you can’t win scholarships because you’re a non-athletic, non-genius, non-traditional student,

✔️Are about to give up your dream school because you can’t afford it,

Keep reading.

Let me tell you a story you can probably resonate with.

The year was 2012, and I did not know how I was going to pay for college.

My mom and I were brand new to the scholarship process, and were just trying to figure it out as we went.

We didn’t have a college savings account, I wasn’t involved in any sports, and hadn’t been offered a single scholarship.

I took a scholarship class in high school that yielded zero results.

I searched for money and dedicated a lot of time to applying for the free money I heard was out there, but came up empty EVERY TIME!

What was I doing wrong? Why weren’t scholarship offers flowing in?

Then, we figured out a major key in the process, and things started to change.

In February 2013, just a few months before my high school graduation, I received my very first scholarship offer of $24,000 from my #1 school choice!

I was ECSTATIC! I never had that much money in my life! My dreams of becoming a teacher were finally becoming real.

But it didn't stop there.

Glory be to God, I went on to win scholarship after scholarship, totaling over $50,000. I was blessed to #GraduateDebtFree with a degree in education, and actually received scholarship overage deposits into my bank account!

I started SheEdits two years later, and so far, we have helped other students win hundreds of thousands in scholarships and grants for college. Glory be to God!

We would LOVE for you to be next.

I'm ready to share everything that I know with you.

Finally get the knowledge you need to graduate debt-free from college with:


The straightforward way to graduating debt-free.

With Scholarship Success, Simplified, You Will Learn THE EXACT Steps for How To:

Locate the perfect scholarships that match your profile

Not waste your time with irrelevant applications

Decipher between scholarships and grants and conquer the FAFSA

Locate money at your current or potential college

Finance master's and doctoral degrees

Apply during the ideal scholarship seasons

Stand out above your competition

Find hidden scholarship gems others don't know about!

Using an easy to understand video format, you will walk away with the tools you need to have immediate scholarship success, even if you're just a beginner. Read on to learn about each module in detail!

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Module #1 - The Scholarship Search

Find specific scholarships that match your unique criteria using my customizable demographics tool and favorite resources.

Module #2 - Specific Scholarship Critera

Learn which criteria and requirements to be aware of so you're applying for the right scholarships.

Module #3 - Scholarships vs. Grants vs. Loans

Break down the differences between the three terms and learn about the all-important FAFSA.

Module #4 - Finding Money at Your School

Learn how to find and maximize the funds at your college.

Module #5 - Financing Advanced Degrees

Discover exactly how to find money for master’s and doctorate degrees.

Module #6 - Scholarship Season

Learn the key seasons throughout the year youu should be applying for scholarships.

Module #7 - Gather Scholarship Materials

Learn everything you need to prepare for winning scholarship applications

Module #8 - Becoming a Scholarship Professional

Learn how to stand out to the judges and become a professional scholarship winner.

Module #9 - Scholarship Gems

Discover hidden scholarship resource gems that could greatly benefit your bursar account.

Module #10 - The 5-Pronged Approach

Learn 4 other ways to win or save money for college!

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After taking Scholarship Success, Simplified, you will:

1. Confidently know what exact steps to take to secure massive scholarship wins

2. Feel empowered and relaxed on your scholarship journey

3. Have the knowledge you need to graduaute debt-free!

When you unlock Scholarship Success Simplified, you will also get instant access to all of these bonuses:

✔️5 weeks of coaching beginning September 5, 2024 ($525 value)

✔️Monthly small group coaching sessions with a scholarship expert. Ask your scholarship questions to our team of scholarship experts and get live feedback during your scholarship journey! ($4,000 value)

✔️Membership to SheEdits’ exclusive Facebook community where current scholarships are posted weekly. Get daily scholarship notifications and connect with other families going through the scholarship process. ($1,000 value)

✔️Unlimited access to Scholarship Success, Simplified ($1,000 value)

✔️Instant access to our library exclusive scholarship interviews and bonus trainings, including an appeal letter training and a FAFSA training. Learn from scholarship experts and winners as they share their methods to success. ($500 value)

✔️Full Access to our essay course, Essay Essentials: Easily Write Award Winning Scholarship Essays. This full-length essay course also comes with unlimited access to real, award-winning essays from myself and other SheEdits clients ($199 value)

✔️A live onboarding session with an expert team member ($150 value)

✔️An editable scholarship workbook ($150 value)

✔️A completely customizable resume template ($150 value)

✔️A comprehensive transition guide to walk you through every step of scholarship success ($100 value)

✔️Access to our experienced scholarship team

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This course has helped students accross the country win hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants and scholarships, glory be to God! But don't take my word for it.

The [course] was very informative. I appreciate the workbook given so my son can organize his search. I like the fact that you encouraged everyone to put God first in the search. I really do believe that is the key.

Course Taker

This course was great, very informational, and easy to understand. This will surely meet the needs of those who may not know where to start. It will also be super helpful to those who are in higher education as well.

Course Taker

It was packed with information and went beyond the standard search engines being referenced by schools and colleges for searching for scholarships.

Course Taker

It was very motivating and I feel like graduating debt-free is obtainable. This was the best use of our time in our search so far. I look forward to working with you and I will recommend you to other parents and students that are attending college.

Course Taker

The course was very informative. Our EFC is high and we cannot afford to pay as much as they believe towards her education. This information has definitely helped with finding financial assistance.

Course Taker

Remember, without scholarships, you can expect to pay anywhere from $20,000 to over $300,000 in college tuition and student loan interest and be burdened down with debt well into your thirties, fourties, fifties, sixties, and beyond.

You can try to find others who are offering the same amount of resources as you can get today, but they are few and far between. This is the value of what you'll get from Scholarship Success, Simplified:

TOTAL VALUE = $7,249+!

But because I want to help as many students as I can graduate debt-free,

And start their futures without the burdens of student loans with high interest rates,

I am offering Scholarship Success, Simplified for:

JUST $69/month


$697/year (save $91!)


My guarantee to you is that these methods, when implemented, will make a tremendous difference in your scholarship journey. I know when you take action, you will get massive results.

These are the same principles that allowed me to win over $50,000 in scholarships and grants, and that have allowed my clients to win hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships and grants.

If you are not 100% satisfied with the materials in this course, you can receive a 100% refund, no questions asked.

I/my child is about to graduate high school/is already in college. Is it too late to receive scholarships?

It is definitely not too late! Students can receive scholarships all the way through college graduation. As a matter of fact, I got the majority of my money while I was already in college and got my last award on graduation day!

I’ve tried applying for scholarships before with no success. How will working with SheEdits make a difference?

SheEdits makes a difference for a variety of reasons. We use proven techniques, not just theory, to help you win scholarships. We help students sift through the overwhelming amount of money out there to find relevant and obtainable funds. Because we realize every student is unique, we create personalized plans to help each of our clients. SheEdits constantly goes above and beyond to get money in your pocket!

I’ve already won scholarships. Can I win more?

Absolutely. Keep on applying and applying until you graduate. You can stack scholarships and may even receive a refund check with excess money that you win.

I make too much money for myself/my child to qualify for need-based financial aid (my EFC on the FAFSA is high.) Can I still get scholarships?

Yes! There are plenty of scholarships for students that are not based on income. I received
many of them.

I’m in a trade school/community college. Can I win scholarships?

Absolutely! There are scholarships for students enrolled in every kind of school. You do not have to attend a traditional university to win money. Even students obtaining certifications can get scholarships.

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